The story of a gnome named Ruckus, who with his instrument friends Ragtags, creates new music, which is always somehow imperfect - rhythmically inconsistent, out of tune, and in addition, without motif.
Back in the old days, by carrying out daily errands in the old city center, people unwittingly created a composition of events, sounds and movements, forming cozy warmth of the old town center ... Visiting the shoemaker, the seed shop and having fragrant coffee in favorite the cafe...
Every challenge is equally demanding once we take it on. Every challenge is equally insignificant once we defeat it. Everything can be a challenge if we want it to be. Everything in life is a matter of choice and the biggest challenge is the choice itself.
An educational and a cultural project, , which is a product of the creative work of five dancers who have busied themselves with composition, improvisation, and spilling of ideas into motion.