Amy Anne Kennedy

Amy Anne Kennedy

Dance education and work: Amy was born in Canada, where she began dancing as well. She was inspired to dance by her grandmother, whose passion were traditional Scottish dances. When she moved to Slovenia in 1997, she continued to dance at Plesna izba, at dance school Pingi and at the Dance Centre. During this time, she attended various workshops, namely jazz, ballet, African dance and modern dance techniques. In 2014, she graduated from the Dance Academy in Ljubljana, and now teaches English. As a teacher, she engages in interdisciplinary teaching of dance and English for children. Amy is a member of the professional contemporary dance company Tovarishia Dance Company.

General education: degree in dance

Dance genres: Jazz, Modern, Contemporary, Ballet

Workshop instructor: Learning English through Dance

Motto: "The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can." (Neil Gaiman)