Ajda Pfifer

Ajda Pfifer

Dance education and work: Ajda began her dance education in 1998 at dance school Pingi and continued at Plesna izba Maribor. During this time, she attended numerous dance workshops at winter and summer dance schools at home and abroad (Vienna, ImpulseTanz). She is educated in the following dance techniques: ballet, jazz ballet, modern jazz, Horton technique, modern dance technique, Cunningham technique, Graham technique, capoeira, release, Pilates, yoga, partnering. Since 2001, she participated in many successful dance projects as a dancer or choreographer, and since 2007, she leads dance workshops for toddlers and children. Since 2011, she is the head of the international art platform for the deaf Heartbeat Hears the Beat. Ajda is a member Tovarishia Dance Company, a professional contemporary dance Company. Since 2007, she is the Vice-President and head of theatrical productions at the Dance Centre.

General education: psychologist

Dance genres: Contemporary, Modern, Ballet

Motto: "Work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt and dance like no one's watching."