How Bubi Got His Wings

How Bubi Got His Wings (2012)

In a fairy-tale land there once lived a gnome named Bubi. Bubi was incredibly bored, he sat all day in idleness and nothing was really making him happy.

He found the place where he lived, gray and dull. He was always complaining that nothing was ever happening.

On a particularly glum day, Bubi was watching fireflies at work. Their luminescence completely took him over. They looked so happy he was envious of them. He wished he could do something so fun as well. But sadly he realized that there was nothing making him happy.

Bored, angry and sad he sat in front of his house when his bird friends came to visit. During the usual chatting, drinking tea and nibbling biscuits, the birds have announced that they will soon travel to warm exotic places, where everything is more beautiful, more interesting and more fragrant than at home. And they invited him along.

Bubi, though initially indifferent, got very excited by the invitation, because he saw the solution to his problems in this mysterious place. He started fantasizing about the trip, when he encountered an obstacle.

The birds would fly on their holiday, but Bubi could not, as he did not have wings.

And so it began ...

Conceptual design: Ajda Pfifer, Maja Arzenšek, Maja Logar, Marko Urbanek, Sanja Zamuda

Choreography: Ajda Pfifer, Maja Arzenšek, Maja Logar, Marko Urbanek, Jure Masten, Suzana Majer, Miha Poznič, Aleksander Žmaher, Jernej Tratnik

Dance: Plesalci KD Center plesa

Original music: Sašo Sandič, Marko Urbanek

Narrator: Maruša Majer

Illustration and animation: Sanja Zamuda

Audio processing and text: Marko Urbanek

Design: Sanja Zamuda, Marko Urbanek

Costume design: Mira Tancer, Marko Urbanek, Lea Pfifer, Nina Logar, Maša Gračanič, Nuša Katarina Murovec