Cynical Murderers of Their Own Mother

Cynical Murderers of Their Own Mother (2015)

Pondering in public, for all to see. Often creating the impression of being the effect, waiting for its cause. Looking for new weapons that invent new prey and generate new hunters. Her name has become lamentation. (Pascal Quignard)

Authors: Vita Osojnik (concept, choreography) and Marko Urbanek (music, video)

Production: Dance Centre Maribor

Co-production: KD Qulenium, SVŠGL, Puppet Theatre Maribor

Movement artists and performers: Alla Abramova, Maja Arzenšek, Špela Bajželj, Lina Golob, Rebeka Hanžel, Katarina Barbara Kavčič, Aleks Kodek, Alja Lackovič, Jure Masten, Vita Osojnik, Petra Peček, Julija Pečnikar, Ajda Pfifer, Marko Urbanek, Tjaša Vugrin